Welcome to VDIS! We are dedicated to providing quality education to students with special needs. Our students are the heart of our school. We are proud of their achievements and are committed to helping them reach their full potential.

Occupational therapy

  • Occupational therapy is the therapeutic use of every day activities to treat the physical, mental, developmental & emotional ailments that impact the child’s ability to perform everyday tasks.

    Occupational therapy teaches the child the use of self core & work play activities to promote & maintain health, prevent disability, increase independent fun & enhance development.

    For example:-

    • Getting dressed
    • Playing a sport
    • Taking a class
    • Getting together with friends
    • Taking care of oneself
    • Interacting with others
    • earning a living
    • Developing skills

Occupational therapy is given to improve mobility and functionality of body such as fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and also eye hand co- ordination skills to physically impaired children.