MODULE 2: (if the child is ADHD / ASD) {for ages 5-16 years}
MODULE 2: (if the child is ADHD / ASD) {for ages 5-16 years}
- Behavior Modification program
- Speech therapy (for ASD & ADHD)
- Special school
- ADL (activities of daily living)
MODULE 3: (for non-trainable & severely challenged)
MODULE 3: (for non-trainable & severely challenged)
- Behavior modification program
- Special Education
MODULE 4: (for educable group)
MODULE 4: (for educable group)
- Remedial training
- Extra curricular activities
- Special education
MODULE 5: (for Slow Learners & Mildly challenged)
MODULE 5: (for Slow Learners & Mildly challenged)
- NIOS program
- Special Education
MODULE 6: (for hearing impaired)
MODULE 6: (for hearing impaired)
- Speech therapy
- Special education
MODULE 7: (for multiple disability)
MODULE 7: (for multiple disability)
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Special education
MODULE 9: After 18 years of age: (mildly to moderately challenged)
MODULE 9: After 18 years of age: (mildly to moderately challenged)
- If the child is productive he/she is admitted to the vocational rehabilitation center.
- Within 5years of age if the child is socially Independent he/she is placed in Open employment or self-employment.
- If the child is not socially Independent then he/she is shifted to a sheltered workshop.